Live Drive-In Theater
May 2020: In process
The world that has access to the internet has largely turned towards it to share and process. I have done this. I am doing this now as you read. Like you, I am yearning for the felt body in shared space and time. I am thinking of climate–geological, as well as cultural, and turning towards the very local–my neighborhood. For this emerging performance series, I am collaborating with Viktor De La Fuente, a performance and visual artist, costume designer, dancer, and playwright to form a duet on the front lawn of a home in City Heights, San Diego. We are developing performances for an audience of a single household who joins us, along with my neighbors, for a drive-in theater.
Supper Club
May 2020: In development
An invitation to my neighbors to join me at a 8 foot long table for supper outside. We each bring our own food, I bring the decor, and we eat in fellowship.
Music Fridays
May 2020: In consideration
Where does a musician go for the live experience? Where do we find music on our city blocks? When is sound an imposition, and when is it a gift? I am working with solo musicians to form a concert series of short sets for Chamoune Avenue, San Diego.